time_control: 各种时间相关的设置
domains: 关于区域中心、网格和网格数量等
physics: 物理过程方案的选择,是设置的重点
fdda: 主要关于nudging
bdy_control: 边界情况
Variable Names | Input Option | Description |
&time_control | options for time control | |
run_days | 0 | Simulation run time, in days |
run_hours | 0 | Simulation run time in hours note: if it is more than 1 day, you may use both run_days and run_hours or just run_hours. (e.g., if total run time is 36 hrs, you may set run_days=1 and run_hours=12, OR run_days=0 and run_hours=36* |
run_minutes | 0 | Simulation run time in minutes |
run_seconds | 0 | Simulation run time in seconds |
*Note: the start time is used to name the first wrfout file. It also controls the start time for nest domains, and the time to restart. |
start_year (max_dom) | 2019 | 4 digit year of starting time |
start_month (max_dom) | 09 | 2 digit month of starting time |
start_day (max_dom) | 04 | 2 digit day of starting time |
start_hour (max_dom) | 12 | 2 digit hour of starting time |
start_minute (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit minute of starting time |
start_second (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit second of starting time |
*Note: all end times also control when the nest domain integrations end. All start and end times are used by real.exe. You may use either run_days/run_hours/etc. or end_year/month/day/hour/etc. to control the length of model integration; but run_days/run_hours takes precedence over the end times. real.exe uses start and end times only |
end_year (max_dom) | 2019 | 4 digit year of ending time |
end_month (max_dom) | 09 | 2 digit month of ending time |
end_day (max_dom) | 06 | 2 digit day of ending time |
end_hour (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit hour of ending time |
end_minute (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit minute of ending time |
end_second (max_dom_ | 00 | 2 digit second of ending time |
interval_seconds | 10800 | time interval between incoming real data, which is the interval between times in the lateral boundary condition file (in seconds) (for real only) |
input_from_file (max_dom) |
.true. | (logical); whether the nested run will use input files for domains other than domain 1 |
fine_input_stream (max_dom) |
Option to select fields to use from nest input for initialization |
0 | all fields from nest input are used (default) |
2 | only nest input specified from input stream 2 (defined in the Registry) are used. This requires setting io_form_auxinput2 |
history_interval (max_dom) |
60 | Frequency (in simulation minutes) that data is written/recorded to history output file(s) (wrfout_d0*) (integer only) |
history_interval_d history_interval_h history_interval_m history_interval_s (max_dom) |
1 | Same as above, but the frequency is in days, hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. Used as an alternative to history_interval |
history_begin (max_dom) | 0 | Number of minutes from the start of the run in which the history output file is written |
history_begin_y history_begin_d history_begin_h history_begin_m history_begin_s (max_dom) |
0 | Same as above, but number of years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. Used as an alternative to history_begin |
frames_per_outfile (max_dom) |
1 | number of history output times bulked into each history file; used to split output files into smaller pieces |
restart | .false. | whether this run is a restart |
restart_interval | 1440 | restart output file interval in minutes |
override_restart_timers | .false. | uses all output intervals (including history) given by the wrfrst files |
.true. | uses restart output intervals given by the namelist |
write_hist_at_0h_rst | .false. | does not give a history file at the initial time of restart (prevents overwriting original history file at this time) |
.true. | gives a history file at the initial time of restart |
output_ready_flag | .true. | asks the model to write-out an empty file with the name ‘wrfoutReady_d completeness of this file. |
force_use_old_data | .false. | (default) stop when WRF model detects Version 3 input data |
.true. | Allow WRF version 3 input data |
reset_simulation_start | .false. | whether to overwrite the simulation start date with the forecast start time |
auxinput1_inname | “met_em.d |
name of input file from WPS; only needs to be added if not using the default file names |
auxinput4_inname | “wrflowinp_d |
name of input file for lower boundary file; works with sst_update = 1 |
auxinput4_interval (max_dom) |
360 | file interval in minutes for lower boundary file; works with sst_update = 1 |
io_form_auxinput4 | 2 | IO format for wrflowinp files; works with sst_update = 1 |
io_form_history | the format for the history output file(s) |
2 | netCDF | |
102 | split netCDF files, one per processor *NOTE: no supported post-processing software for split files |
1 | binary format *NOTE: no supported post-processing software available |
4 | PHDF5 format *NOTE: no supported post-processing software available |
5 | GRIB1 | |
10 | GRIB2 | |
11 | parallel netCDF | |
io_form_restart | the format for restart output file(s) (wrfrst*) |
2 | nedCDF | |
102 | split netCDF files, one per processor (must restart with the same number of processors) |
io_form_input | the format of the input files |
2 | netCDF | |
102 | allows the program real.exe to read in split met_em** files, and write split wrfinput files. There is no split file for the wrfbdy* file. | |
io_form_boundary | the format for the wrfbdy file | |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
ncd_nofill | .true. | Option for handling of netcdf writes. If set to .true., it could potentially improve IO speed. (default) only a single write, not the write/read/write sequence |
io_form_auxinput2 | IO format for input stream 2 data |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
diag_print | 1 | Allows output of domain-averaged 3-hourly hydrostatic surface pressure tendency (Dpsfc/Dt), and dry-hydrostatic column pressure tendency (Dmu/Dt). This is in stdout file. |
2 | in addition to those listed above, domain-averaged rainfall, surface evaporation, and sensible and latent heat fluxes are output in stdout file. |
debug_level | 0 | giving this a larger value (50, 100, 200, etc.) increases the debugging print-outs when running WRF. NOTE: this option was removed from default namelists because it rarely provides any useful information and adds a lot of junk to the standard error/output files, making them difficult to read and sometimes too large to write – causing runtime crashes. |
auxhist2_outname | “rainfall_d |
file name to write additional output to a different unit or output stream.. If not specified, “auxhist2_d is used. NOTE: to write variables in output other than the history file requires either a change in the Registry.EM_COMMON file, or the use of the option iofields_filename option. |
auxhist2_interval (max_dom) |
10 | the interval in minutes for the output when using auxhist2 |
io_form_auxhist2 | output format for using auxhist2 |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
frames_per_auxhist2 (max_dom) | 1000 | how many output times are in each output file |
auxinput11_interval (max_dom) | 10 | interval in minutes for obs nudging input. It should be set as the same (or greater) frequency as obs_ionf (with the unit of the coarse domain time step) |
auxinput11_end_h (max_dom) | 6 | end of the observation time (in hours), when using the obs nudging option |
nocolons | .false. | when set to .true. this replaces the colons with underscores in the output file names |
write_input | .true. | write input-formatted data as output for 3DVAR application |
inputout_interval (max_dom) |
180 | interval in minutes when using the write_input option |
input_outname | “wrf_3dvar_input_d |
Output file name from 3DVAR |
inputout_begin_y inputout_begin_d inputout_begin_h inputout_begin_m inputout_begin_s (max_dom) |
0 | beginning year, day, hour, minute, and second (respectively) to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_end_y inputout_end_d inputout_end_h inputout_end_m inputout_end_s (max_dom) |
0 | ending year, day, hour, minute, second (respectively) to write 3DVAR data |
all_ic_times | .true. | when set to .true., allows you to output a wrfinput file for all time periods |
adjust_output_times | .true. | adjust output times to the nearest hour |
output_ready_flag | .true. | (default = .false.); when turned on, the model will write out an empty file with the name wrfoutReady_d post-processing code can check on the existence of this file to start doing processing. |
output_diagnostics | 1 | set to =1 to add 48 surface diagnostic arrays (max/min/mean/std) in the time interval specified. See details in section “p” earlier in this chapter. |
nwp_diagnostics | 1 | set to =1 to add history_interval max diagnostic fields (10m wind speed, max helicity in 2-5km layer, max vertical velocity in updraft and downdraft below 400mb, mean vertical velocity in 2-5km layer, max column graupel) **also turn on do_radar_ref |
Options for automatic moving nests |
input_from_hires (max_dom) |
.true. | When set to .true., high-resolution terrain and landuse are used in the nests (requires special input data), and environment variable TERRAIN_AND_LANDUSE set at compile time). See section “f” earlier in this chapter for details. |
rsmas_data_path | “high-res-data-directory” | Path to directory where the high-res data resides |
iofields_filename (max_dom) |
“my_iofields_list.txt” | option to output additional variables, or to remove variables from output if you do not want them to. You must also create a text file (my_iofields_list.txt) in which you will declare the variables to be output. See details earlier in this chapter. |
ignore_iofields_warning | .true. | tells the model to continue if an error is encountered in the user-specified files, when using the iofields_filename option. If set to .false., the model will abort if an error is encountered in the files. |
&domains | dimensions, nesting, parameters | |
time_step | 60 | time step for integration seconds (no more than 6*dx in km for a typical case) |
time_step_fract_num | 0 | numerator for fractional time step |
time_step_fract_den | 1 | denominator for fractional time step. E.g., if you want to use 60.3 sec as your time step, set time_step = 60, time_step_fract_num = 3, and time_step_fract_den = 10. |
time_step_dfi | 60 | time step when setting dfi_opt = 1, may be different from the regular time step |
max_dom | 1 | the number of domains you are running |
s_we (max_dom) | 1 | start index in x (west-east) direction (do not change this) |
e_we (max_dom) | 91 | end index in x (west_east) direction (staggered dimension) |
s_sn (max_dom) | 1 | start index in y (south-north) direction (do not change this) |
e_sn (max_dom) | 82 | end index in y (south-north) direction (staggered dimension) |
s_vert (max_dom) | 1 | start index in z (vertical) direction (do not change this) |
e_vert (max_dom) | 30 | end index in z (vertical) direction (staggered dimension — this refers to full levels). Most variables are on unstaggered levels. *Note: vertical dimensions must be the same for all nests |
dx (max_dom) | 30000 | grid length in x-direction (in meters) |
dy (max_dom) | 30000 | grid length in y-direction (in meters) |
ztop (max_dom) | 19000 | height in meters; used to define model top for idealized cases |
grid_id (max_dom) | 1 | domain identifier |
parent_id (max_dom) | 1 | ID of the domain’s parent domain |
i_parent_start (max_dom) |
1 | the starting lower-left corner i-indice from the parent domain |
j_parent_start (max_dom) |
1 | the starting lower-left corner j_indice from the parent domain |
parent_grid_ratio (max_dom) | 1 | parent-to-nest domain grid size ratio. Note: recommend odd ratios (3:1 or 5:1). Ratio can be even if feedback=0* |
parent_time_step_ratio (max_dom) |
1 | parent-to-nest time step ratio; this can be different from the parent_grid_ratio |
feedback | 1 | Set to 1 for feedback from nest to its parent domain. Set to 0 for no feedback. |
smooth_option | smoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback |
0 | turned off | |
1 | 1-2-1 smoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback=1 |
2 | (default) smoothing-desmoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback=1 |
hypsometric_opt | 2 | (default) computes height in real.exe and pressure in the model by using the hypsometric equation (less biased when compared against input data) |
1 | original method – based on a form of the hydrostatic equation that depends on air density |
max_ts_locs | 5 | maximum number of time series locations |
max_ts_level | 15 | highest model level for profile output when using time series option |
wif_input_opt | 1 | Option to process the Water Ice Friendly Aerosol input from metgrid used for mp_physics=28; see run/README.namelist for additional information (default is 0=off) |
(New since V4.4) | 2 | Option to use black carbon aerosol category with mp_physics=28, as well as its radiative effect. Must include file QNWFA_QNIFA_QNBCA_SIGMA_MONTHLY.dat during WPS details |
num_wif_levels | 27 | number of levels in the Thompson Water Ice Friendly Aerosols (mp_physics = 28); see run/README.namelist for additional information |
Options for program real.exe | ||
num_metgrid_levels | 40 | number of vertical levels in input data (type “ncdump -h” on one of the met_em* files to find out this number) |
num_metgrid_soil_levels | 4 | number of soil levels or layers in WPS output (type ncdump -h on one of the met_em* files to find out this number) |
eta_levels | 1.0, 0.99, …0.0 | model eta levels from 1 to 0. If not given, real will provide a set of levels |
auto_levels_opt | 2 | (default) set dzstretch_s, dzstretch_u, dzbot, and max_dz to stretch levels according to logP up to where it reaches the max thickness (max_dz) and starting from thickness dzbot |
1 | Old option - assumes a known first several layers, then generates equi-height spaced levels up to the top of the model |
max_dz | 1000. | max level thickness allowed (m) |
dzbot | 50. | thickness of lowest layer (m) for auto_levels_opt = 2 |
dzstretch_s | 1.3 | surface stretch factor for auto_levels_opt = 2 |
dzstretch_u | 1.1 | upper stretch factor for auto_levels_opt = 2 |
ideal_init_method | method to compute albedo in idealized cases in “start_em” file |
1 | (default) albedo from phb | |
2 | albedo from t_init | |
Options for horizontal interpolation, coarse grid to fine grid |
interp_method_type | The default is to use the Smolarkiewicz “SINT” method; however, this is known to break with the implementation inside of WRF for large refinement ratios (such as 15:1). For those extreme and rare occurrences, other schemes ar available. For options 1, 3, 4, and 12, the fine-grid lateral boundaries use the same horizontal scheme for the lateral BC computations |
1 | bi-linear interpolation | |
2 | (default) SINT | |
3 | nearest-neighbor - only to be used for testing purposes | |
4 | overlapping quadratic | |
12 | for testing only, uses SINT horizontal interpolation, and same scheme for computation of fine-grid lateral boundaries |
Options for vertical interpolation |
force_sfc_in_vinterp | 1 | (default) use the surface level as the lower boundary when interpolating through this many eta levels |
0 | perform traditional trapping interpolation | |
maxw_horiz_pres_diff | 5000 | pressure threshold (Pa). For using the level of max winds when the pressure difference between neighboring values exceeds this maximum, the variable is NOT inserted into the column for vertical interpolation. real only. |
trop_horiz_pres_diff | 5000 | pressure threshold (Pa). For using the tropopause level when the pressure difference between neighboring values exceeds this maximum, the variable is NOT inserted into the column for vertical interpolation. real only. |
maxw_above_this_level | 30000 | minimum pressure level (Pa) to allow using the level of max wind information in real. E.g, if setting this to 3000 (=300 hPa), a max wind value at 500 hPa is ignored. real only. |
use_maxw_level | 1 | Set to 1 to use max wind speed level (maxw_above_this_level) in vertical interpolation inside of the real program |
use_trop_level | 1 | same as above, but with tropopause level data |
interp_theta | .false. | vertically interpolates temperature (which may reduce bias when compared with input data) |
.true. | vertically interpolates potential temperature | |
p_top_requested | 5000 | pressure top (in Pa) to use in the model; this pressure level must be available in WPS data |
interp_type | 2 | (default) vertical interpolation that is linear in log(pressure) |
1 | vertical interpolation that is linear in pressure | |
extrap_type | 2 | (default) vertical extrapolation of non-temperature variables, using the lowest level as constant below ground |
1 | vertical extrapolation of non-temperature variables, using the 2 lowest levels |
t_extrap_type | vertical extrapolation for potential temp: | |
2 | (default) -6.5 K/km lapse rate for temperature | |
1 | isothermal | |
3 | constant theta | |
use_levels_below_ground | in vertical interpolation, whether to use levels below input surface level |
.true. | (default) use input isobaric levels below input surface | |
.false. | extrapolate when WRF location is below input surface level |
use_surface | .true. | use input surface level data in vertical interpolation |
lagrange_order | 2 | (default) quadratic vertical interpolation order |
1 | linear vertical interpolation order | |
9 | Cubic spline | |
zap_close_levels | 500 | ignore isobaric level above surface if delta p (Pa) < zap_close_levels |
lowest_lev_from_sfc | .false. | (default) use traditional interpolation |
.true. | use surface values for the lowest eta (u,v,t,q) | |
sfcp_to_sfcp | .true | computes model’s surface pressure when incoming data only has surface pressure and terrain, but not sea-level pressure (default is .false.) |
use_tavg_for_tsk | .true. | uses diurnally-averaged surface temp (which can be computed using WPS utility avg_tsfc.exe) as skin temp. Can use this option when SKINTEMP is not present (default is .false.) |
rh2qv_wrt_liquid | .true. | (default) computes qv with respect to liquid water |
.false. | computes qv with respect to ice | |
rh2qv_method | 1 | (default)Use old MM5 method to compute mixing ratio from RH |
2 | uses a WMO recommended method (WMO-No. 49, corrigendum, August 2000) |
smooth_cg_topo | .true. | smooths the outer rows and columns of the domain 1 topography with respect to the input data |
vert_refine_fact | 1 | vertical refinement factor for ndown (1 = same number of vertical levels as the coarse domain, 2 = double the vertical resolution, and so on); not used for current vertical grid refinement |
vert_refine_method (max_dom) | 0 | (default) no vertical refinement |
1 | integer vertical refinement | |
2 | use specified or computed eta levels for vertical refinement |
Options for Preset Moving Nest |
num_moves | 0 | total # of moves for all domains |
move_id (max_moves) | 2, 2, | a list of nest domain ID’s, one per move |
move_interval (max_moves) | 60, 120, | time in minutes since the nest simulation began (for each domain) |
move_cd_x (max_moves) | 1, -1, | the # of parent domain grid cells to move in the i-direction |
move_cd_y (max_moves) | -1, 1, | the # of parent domain grid cells to move in the j-direction (positive in increasing i/j directions, and negative in decreasing i/j directions). Only 1, 0, and -1 are permitted. |
Options for Automatic Moving Nest |
vortex_interval (max_dom) | 15 | how often the new vortex position is computed (in mins) |
max_vortex_speed (max_dom) | 40 | used to compute the search radius for the new vortex position (in m/s) |
corral_dist (max_dom) | 8 | how close the moving nest is allowed to get to the coarse grid boundary. This # sets the minimum limit of grid cells allowed between them. |
track_level | 50000 | pressure level value (Pa) at which the tropical storm vortex is tracked |
time_to_move (max_dom) | 0., | time (in mins) to start moving nest |
Options for Adaptive Time Step |
use_adaptive_time_step | .true. | Turns on adaptive time step |
step_to_output_time | .true. | adjusts the time step so the exact history time is reached |
target_cfl (max_dom) | 1.2., 1.2., 1.2., | if vertical CFL £ this value, time step is increased |
target_hcfl (max_dom) | 0.84, 0.84, 0.84, | if horizontal CFL £ this value, time step is increased |
max_step_increase_pct (max_dom) | 5, 51, 51, | percentage of previous time step to increase if the max CFL is £ target_cfl |
starting_time_step (max_dom) | -1, -1, -1, | flag -1 implies 4dx is used to start the model. Any positive integer specifies the time step the model will use to start (in seconds). Note: when use_adapative_time_step=.true., the value specified for time_step is ignored. |
starting_time_step_den (max_dom) | 0 | denominator for starting_time_step (so that fractional time step can be used) |
max_time_step (max_dom) | -1, -1, -1, | flag -1 implies the maximum time step is 8*dx. Any positive integer specifies the maximum time step (in seconds). |
max_time_step_den (max_dom) | 0 | denominator for max_time_step |
min_time_step (max_dom) | -1, -1, -1, | flag -1 implies the minimum time step is 3*dx. Any positive integer specifies the minimum time step (in seconds). |
min_time_step_den (max_dom) | 0 | denominator for min_time_step |
adaptation_domain | 1 | specifies which domain to use to drive adaptive time stepping |
Options to Control Parallel Computing |
tile_sz_x tile_sz_y | 0 | number of points in tile x and y directions (open MP only) |
numtiles | 1 | number of tiles per patch (alternative to tile_sz_x and tile_sz_y; open MP only) |
nproc_x nproc_y | -1 | (default) turned off; code will do automatic decomposition (MPI only) |
>1 | number of processors in x and y for decomposition (MPI only) |
Options for 3D Ocean Model |
ocean_levels | 30 | number of ocean levels when using sf_ocean_physics=2 |
ocean_z | values for # of ocean_levels | vertical profile of layer depths for for ocean (in meters). See run/README.namelist for details. |
ocean_t | values for # of ocean_levels | vertical profile of ocean temps (K). See run/README.namelist for details. |
ocean_s | values for # of ocean_levels | vertical profile of salinity. See run/README.namelist for details |
&physics | ||
chem_opt (max_dom) | 0 | chemistry option - use WRF-Chem |
mp_physics (max_dom) | Microphysics setting. The same value should be used for all domains. |
0 | no microphysics | |
1 | Kessler scheme | |
2 | Purdue Lin scheme | |
3 | WSM 3-class simple ice scheme | |
4 | WSM 5-class scheme | |
5 | Ferrier (new Eta) microphysics, operational High-Resolution Window |
6 | WSM 6-class graupel scheme | |
(updated V4.1) | 7 | Goddard 4-icescheme (also uses gsfcgce_hail and gsfcgce_2ice) |
8 | Thompson graupel scheme | |
9 | Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment scheme | |
10 | Morrison 2-moment scheme | |
11 | CAM 5.1 5-class scheme | |
13 | SBU_YLin, 5-class scheme | |
14 | WRF double moment, 5-class scheme | |
15 | High-resolution Ferrier microphysics, with advection | |
16 | WRF double moment, 6-class scheme | |
17 | NSSL 2-moment 4-ice scheme (steady background CCN) | |
18 | NSSL 2-moment 4-ice scheme with predicted CCN (better for idealized than real cases); to set a global CCN value, use nssl_cccn=0.7e9. Also sets same value to ccn_conc |
19 | NSSL 1-moment, 6-class scheme | |
21 | NSSL-LFO 1-moment, 6-class (similar to Gilmore et al. 2004); can set intercepts and particle densities in physics namelist for snow, graupel, hail, and rain. See run/README.namelist for specifics. |
22 | NSSL 2-moment 3-ice scheme, no hail. | |
(new since V4.1) | 24 | WSM7, as WSM6, but with a hail category. |
(new since V4.1) | 26 | WDM7, as WDM6, but with a hail category. |
28 | aerosol-aware Thompson scheme with water- and ice-friendly aerosol climatology; this option has 2 climatological aerosol input options: use_aero_icbs=.F. (use constant values), and use_aero_icbc=.T. (use input from WPS) |
30 | HUJI (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) spectral bin microphysics, fast version |
32 | HUJI spectral bin microphysics, full version | |
40 | Morrison double-moment scheme with CESM aerosol; must be used with MSKF cumulus scheme. |
50 | P3 1-ice category, 1-moment cloud water | |
51 | P3 1-ice category, plus double moment cloud water | |
52 | P3 2-ice categories, plus double-moment cloud water. |
(new since V4.3) | 53 | P3 1-ice category, 3-moment ice, plus double moment cloud water |
(new since V4.1) | 55 | Jensen ISHMAEL |
(new since V4.3) | 56 | NTU multi-moment scheme |
ccnty | 2 | Aerosol options for NTU microphysics (56) 1: marine aerosol background type 2: (default) continental clean aerosol type 3: continental average aerosol type 4: continental urban aerosol type |
do_radar_ref |
1 | allows radar reflectivity to be computed using mp-scheme- specific parameters. Currently works for mp_physics = 2,4,6,7,8,10,14,16,24,26 |
mp_zero_out | for non-zero mp_physics options, keeps moisture variables above a threshold value ³0. An alternative (and better) way to keep moisture variables positive is to use the moist_adv_opt. |
0 | (default) no action taken; no adjustment to any moisture field |
1 | except for Qv, all other moisture arrays are set to zero if they fall below a critical value |
2 | Qv ³ 0 and all other moisture arrays are set to zero if they fall below a critical value |
mp_zero_out_thresh | 1.e-8 | critical value for moisture variable threshold, below which moisture arrays (except for Qv) are set to zero (unit: kg/kg) |
mp_tend_lim | 10. | limit on temp tendency from microphysics latent heating when radar data assimilation is used |
gsfcgce_hail | 0 | (default) running gsfcgce scheme with graupel |
1 | running gsfcgce scheme with hail | |
gsfcgce_2ice | 0 | (default) running gsfcgce scheme with snow, ice, and graupel/hail |
1 | running gsfcgce scheme with only ice and snow (gsfcgce_hail is ignored) | |
2 | running gsfcgce scheme with only ice and graupel (used only in very extreme situation; gsfcgce_hail is ignored) |
ccn_conc | 1.0E8 | CCN concentration; used by WDM schemes |
hail_opt | 1 | hail/graupel switch for WSM6, WDM6 |
morr_rimed_ice | 1 | (default) Hail switch for Morrison Scheme (mp_physics=10 or 40) |
0 | Off – just graupel | |
clean_atm_diag | 1 | Option to switch on clean sky diagnostics (for chem) |
acc_phy_tend New since V4.4 | 1 | Option to output 16 accumulated physics tendencies for potential temp, water vapor mixing ratio, and u/v wind components. (default =0; off) |
Note: The following 9 namelists are for the NSSL 1-moment scheme. For the 1- and 2-moment schemes, the shape parameters for graupel and hail can also be set. |
nssl_alphah | 0 | shape parameter for graupel |
nssl_alphahl | 2 | shape parameter for hail |
nssl_cnoh | 4.e5 | graupel intercept |
nssl_cnohl | 4.e4 | hail intercept |
nssl_cnor | 8.e5 | rain intercept |
nssl_cnos | 3.e6 | snow intercept |
nssl_rho_qh | 500. | graupel density |
nssl_rho_ghl | 900. | hail density |
nssl_rho_qs | 100. | snow density |
no_mp_heating | 1 | turn on latent heating from a microphysics scheme (0 is off and is default) |
use_mp_re | 1 | use effective radii computed in mp schemes in RRTMG (only for mp_physics=3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 17-2, 24, 26, 28, 50-53, 55) |
ra_lw_physics (max_dom) | Longwave radiation option. The same value should be used for all domains. |
0 | no longwave radiation | |
1 | rrtm scheme. See /run/README.namelist for default GHG values. |
3 | CAM scheme Note: restart must be at 6-hourly interval; also requires levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1*(2); see below |
4 | rrtmg scheme. See /run/README.namelist for default GHG values. |
(updated V4.1) | 5 | Goddard scheme |
7 | FLG (UCLA) scheme | |
24 | fast rrtmg scheme for GPU and MIC | |
31 | Earth Held-Suarez forcing | |
99 | GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported); must use co2tf=1 | |
ra_sw_physics (max_dom) | Shortwave radiation option. The same value should be used for all domains. |
0 | no shortwave radiation | |
1 | Dudhia scheme (must use a ptop >= 50 mb) | |
2 | (old) Goddard shortwave scheme | |
3 | CAM scheme (restart must be at 6-hourly interval); must set levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2 |
4 | rrtmg scheme. (Default values for GHG: co2vmr=379.e-6, n2ovmr=319.e-9, ch4vmr=1774.e-9). Starting v4.2, co2vmr becomes a function of year |
(updated V4.1) | 5 | Goddard scheme |
7 | FLG (UCLA) scheme | |
14 | RRTMG-K scheme. Note: To use this option, WRF must be built with the configuration setting -DBUILD_RRTMK = 1 (modify in configure.wrf). |
24 | fast rrtmg scheme for GPU and MIC | |
99 | GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported); must use co2tf=1 | |
radt (max_dom) | 30 | minutes between radiation physics calls. Recommended 1 minute per km of dx (e.g. 10 for 10 km grid); use the same value for all nests |
swint_opt | 1 | Turn on interpolation of shortwave radiation based on the updated solar zenith angle between radiation calls |
2 | Activates FARMS to allow simulation of the broadband solar radiation model every time step. |
couple_farms | .true. | Use FARMS SW radiation to drive the LSM (default is .false. = use SW radiation from rad_sw_physics) |
ra_call_offset | -1 | Turn on radiation offset, to call radiation just before output time, instead of after output time |
co2tf | 1 | CO2 transmission function flag for GFDL radiation only, which allows generation of CO2 function internally |
cldovrlp | Cloud overlapping option for RRTMG (ra_lw/sw_physics=4) | |
1 | Random | |
2 | (default) maximum random | |
3 | Maximum | |
4 | Exponential | |
New since V4.4 | 5 | Exponential-random |
idcor New since V4.4 | Decorrelation length flag for cldovrlp=4 or 5 | |
0 | Constant decorrelation length, 2500 m | |
Latitude-varying decorrelation length | ||
ra_sw_eclipse | 0 | Eclipse effect on shortwave radiation. 0: off, 1: on. Works with RRTMG, Goddard, old Goddard, and Dudhia schemes. |
ghg_input New since V4.4 | 1 | Option to read CAMtr_volume_mixing_ratio files of greenhouse gas values. Default is SSP 2 with RCP 4.5 -> SSP245. Used with ra_lw_physics = 1, 3,4,24 and ra_sw_physics = 3,4,24 |
0 | Do not read in annual data; for constant values for backward compatibility (prior to V4.4) |
1 | Read in time-dependent data for CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12 | |
Note: The following 5 variables for CAM are automatically set |
cam_abs_freq_s | 21600 | default CAM clear sky longwave absorption calculation frequency (recommended minimum value to speed scheme up) |
levsiz | 59 | number of ozone data levels for CAM radiation |
paerlev | 29 | number of aerosol data levels for CAM radiation |
cam_abs_dim1 | 4 | dimension for absnxt (absorption save array) in CAM radiation |
cam_abs_dim2 | same as e_vert | dimension for abstot (2nd absorption save array) in CAM radiation |
o3input | ozone input option (RRTMG only) | |
0 | use profile inside the scheme |
2 |
(default) use CAM ozone data (from ozone.formatted file) | |
aer_opt | aerosol input option (RRTMG only) | |
0 | off | |
1 | use Tegen climatology | |
2 | use J. A. Ruiz-Arias method (see other aer* options) | |
3 | use Thompson water/ice-friendly climatological aerosol | |
alevsiz | 12 | number of vertical levels in aerosol data. Value set automatically. |
no_src_types | 6 | number of aerosol types: organic and black carbon, sea salt, sulfate, dust and stratospheric aerosol (volcanic ash – currently 0). Value set automatically. |
0 | do not interpolate | |
1 | Interpolate | |
use_rap_aero_icbc (New since V4.4) | .true. | Option to ingest real-time data containing aerosols details (default is false – off) |
qna_update (New since V4.4) | 1 | Update time-varying sfc aerosol emission from climatology or real-time data with mp_physics = 28. Use with input file ‘wrfqnainp_d0’ (must set auxinput17_interval and io_form_auxinput17*). Default is 0=off |
wif_fire_emit (New since V4.4) | .true. | Option to include biomass burning organic and black carbon aerosols with mp_physics = 28 |
wif_fire_inj | 1 | (default) vertically distribute biomass burning emissions in mp_physics = 28 |
Note: The following aerosol options allow RRTMG and new Goddard radiation to recognize the aerosol option setting, but the aerosols are constant during the model integration |
aer_aod550_opt (max_dom) | 1 | (default) input constant value for AOD at 550 nm from namelist; the value is read from aer_aod550_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 15, which is a time-varying 2D grid in netcdf wrf-compatible format. |
aer_aod550_val (max_dom) | 0.12 | value to be used with aer_aod550_opt=1 |
aer_angexp_opt (max_dom) | 1 | (default) input constant value for Angstrom exponent from namelist. The value is read from aer_angexp_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5, as in aer_aod550_opt | |
3 | Angstrom exponent value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated with the RH in WRF. |
aer_angexp_val (max_dom) | 1.3 | value to be used with aer_angexp_opt=1 |
aer_ssa_opt (max_dom) | 1 | (default) input constant value for single scattering albedo from namelist. The value is read from aer_ssa_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5, as in aer_aod550_opt | |
3 | single scattering albedo value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated with the RH in WRF. |
aer_ssa_val (max_dom) | 0.85 | value to be used with aer_ssa_opt=1 |
aer_asy_opt (max_dom) | 1 | (default) input constant value for asymmetry parameter from namelist. The value is read from aer_asy_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5, as in aer_aod550_opt | |
3 | asymmetry parameter value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated with the RH in WRF. |
aer_asy_val (max_dom) | 0.9 | value to be used with aer_asy_opt=1 |
aer_type (max_dom) | aerosol type to be used with the above aerosol options | |
1 | (default) rural | |
2 | urban | |
3 | maritime | |
sf_sfclay_physics (max_dom) | surface layer option. The same value should be used for all domains. |
0 | no surface-layer | |
1 | Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme | |
2 | Monin-Obukhov (Janjic Eta) scheme | |
4 | QNSE | |
5 | MYNN | |
7 | Pleim-Xiu, only tested with Pleim-Xiu surface and ACM2 PBL |
10 | TEMF | |
91 | old MM5 surface layer scheme (previously option 1) | |
iz0tlnd | switch to control land thermal roughness length | |
0 | (default) old, or non-vegetation dependent thermal roughness length over land |
1 | veg dependent (see Chen, F. and Zhang, Y., 2009) |
sf_surface_physics (max_dom) | land-surface option (set this before running real.exe; also make sure num_soil_layers is set correctly). The same value should be used for all domains. | |
0 | no surface temp prediction | |
1 | thermal diffusion scheme | |
2 | unified Noah land-surface model | |
3 | RUC land-surface model | |
4 | Noah-MP land-surface model (see additional options under the &noah_mp section) |
5 | CLM4 (Community Land Model Version 4) | |
7 | Pleim-Xiu scheme | |
8 | SSiB land-surface model. Works with ra_lw_physics=1, 3, or 4, and ra_sw_physics=1, 3, or 4 | |
sf_urban_physics (max_dom) | activate urban canopy model (in Noah LSM only). The same value should be used for all domains. |
0 | off | |
1 | Single-layer, UCM | |
2 | Multi-layer, Building Environment Parameterization (BEP) scheme (works only with the MYJ, BouLac and YSU PBL) |
3 | Multi-layer, Building Environment Model (BEM) scheme (works only with MYJ, BouLac and YSU PBL) |
use_wudapt_lcz | 0 | Option to use WUDAPT LCZ urban landuse categories. 0: use traditional 31-33 urban categories; 1: use WUDAPT LCZ 31-41 categories. |
ua_phys | .true. | activate UA Noah LSM changes to use a different snow-cover physics. Aimed toward improving treatment of snow as it relates to the vegetation canopy. |
num_soil_layers | number of soil layers in land surface model (set before running real.exe) |
5 | (default) thermal diffusion scheme for temp only | |
4 | Noah land-surface model | |
6 or 9 | RUC land-surface model | |
10 | CLM4 land-surface model | |
2 | Pleim-Xu land-surface model | |
3 | SSiB land-surface model | |
bl_pbl_physics (max_dom) | boundary layer option. The same value should be used for all domains that have this turned on. |
0 | no boundary-layer | |
1 | YSU scheme; must use sf_sfclay_physics=1 | |
2 | Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (Eta) TKE scheme; must use sf_sfclay_physics=2 | |
4 | QNSE-EDMF; must use sf_sfclay_physics=4 | |
5 | MYNN 2.5 level TKE; must use sf_sfclay_physics=1, 2, or 5 |
6 | MYNN 3rd level TKE; must use sf_sfclay_physics=5 | |
7 | ACM2 (Pleim) scheme; must use sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 7 | |
8 | Bougeault and Lacarrere (BouLac) TKE; must use sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 2 |
9 | Bretherton-Park/UW TKE scheme; must use sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 2 |
10 | TEMF scheme; must use sf_sfclay_physics=10 | |
11 | Shin-Hong ‘scale-aware’ PBL scheme | |
12 | GBM TKE-type scheme; must use sf_sfclay_physics=1 | |
16 | EEPS: TKE+TKE dissipation rate (epsilon) scheme; works with sf_sfclay_physics = 1,91,5 |
99 | MRF scheme (to be removed in the future) | |
mfshconv (max_dom) | 1 | turns on day-time EDMF for QNSE (0=off) |
bldt (max_dom) | 0 | minutes between boundary-layer physics calls (0=call every time step – recommended) |
topo_wind (max_dom) | topographic surface wind correction. requires extra input from geogrid. YSU PBL only |
0 | off | |
1 | Jimenez method | |
2 | UW method | |
bl_mynn_tkebudget (max_dom) | 1 | adds MYNN tke budget terms to output |
bl_mynn_tkeadvect (max_dom) | .true. | Turn on MYNN TKE advection to couple subgrid-scale clouds from the PBL scheme (MYNN only) to radiation schemes |
1 | option to couple the subgrid-scale clouds from the PBL scheme (MYNN only) to the radiation scheme |
bl_mynn_cloudmix (max_dom) | 1 | option to activate mixing of qc and qi in MYNN (NOTE: qnc and qni are mixed when scalar_pblmix=1) |
bl_mynn_mixlength | option to change mixing length formulation in MYNN | |
0 | original, as in Nakanishi and Niino 2009 | |
1 | RAP/HRRR (including BouLac in free atmosphere) | |
2 | (default) experimental (includes cloud-specific mixing length and a scale-aware mixing length; following Ito et al. 2015, BLM); this option has been well-tested with the edmf options. |
bl_mynn_cloudpdf | option to switch to diffrent cloud PDFs to represent subgrid clouds |
0 | original (Sommeria and Deardorf 1977) | |
1 | Kuwano et al. 2010; similar to option 0, but uses resolved scale gradients, as opposed to higher order moments |
2 | (default) from Chaboureau and Bechtold 2002 (JAS, with mods) |
bl_mynn_edmf (max_dom) | option to activate mass-flux scheme in MYNN | |
0 | regular MYNN | |
1 | (default) for StEM | |
2 | for TEMF | |
bl_mynn_edmf_mom (max_dom) | 1 | option to activate momentum transport in MYNN mass-flux scheme (assuming bl_mynn_edmf > 0) |
bl_mynn_edmf_tke (max_dom) | 1 | option to activate TKE transport in MYNN mass-flux scheme (assumumg bl_mynn_edmf > 0) |
scalar_pblmix | 1 | Option to mix scalar fields consistent with PBL option (exch_h) |
tracer_pblmix | 1 | Option to mix tracer fields consistent with PBL option (exch_h) |
shinhong_tke_diag (max_dom) | 1 | Use diagnostic TKE and mixing length from Shin-Hong PBL |
opt_thcnd | option to treat thermal conductivity in Noah LSM | |
1 | (default) original | |
2 | McCumber and Pielke for silt loam and sandy loam | |
sf_surface_mosaic | 1 | option to use mosaic landuse categories for Noah LSM |
mosaic_lu | 1 | option to specify landuse parameters based on a mosaic approach, when using the RUC land surfce model; default is 0 (off) |
mosaic_soil | 1 | option to specify soil parameters based on a masaic approach, when using the RUC land surface model; default is 0 (off) |
mosaic_cat | 3 | number of mosaic landuse categories in a grid cell |
grav_settling (max_dom) | gravitational settling of fog/cloud droplets | |
0 | (default) no settling of cloud droplets | |
1 | settling from Dyunkerke 1991 (in atmosphere at at surface) |
2 | Fogdes (vegetation and wind speed dependent; Katata et al. 2008) at surface, and Dyunkerke in the atmosphere |
ysu_topdown_pblmix | 1 | turns on top-down radiation-driven mixing; 0: off, 1: on (default) |
cu_physics (max_dom) | cumulus parameterization option. The same value should be used for all domains that have cu_physics turned on. |
0 | no cumulus parameterization | |
1 | Kain-Fritsch (new Eta) scheme | |
2 | Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme. Can add bmj_rad_feedback option added in 4.2. | |
3 | Grell-Freitas ensemble scheme | |
4 | Scale-aware GFS Simplified Arakawa-Schubert (SAS) scheme | |
5 | New Grell scheme (G3) | |
6 | Tiedtke scheme | |
7 | Zhang-McFarlane from CESM (works with MYJ and UW PBL) | |
10 | Modified Kain-Fritsch scheme with trigger function based on PDFs |
11 | Multi-scale Kain-Fritsch scheme. Momentum transport added in 4.2. |
14 | Scale-aware SAS from KIM, should pair with shcu_physics=4 | |
16 | A newer Tiedke scheme | |
93 | Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme | |
95 | Previous GFS Simplified Arakawa-Schubert scheme | |
96 | GFS SAS from YSU, renamed from option 14) | |
99 | previous Kain-Fritsch scheme | |
cudt (max_dom) | 0 | minutes between cumulus physics calls; set to 0 when using all cu_physics except Kain-Fritsch (0 = call every time step) |
kfeta_trigger | The way to determines whether a grid point is convective; use only with cu_physics=1. |
1 | default, original | |
2 | moisture-advection based trigger (Ma and Tan 2009) | |
3 | relative humidity-dependent | |
ishallow | 1 | turns on shallow convection used with cu_physics=3 or 5 (default is 0 = off) |
cu_diag (max_dom) | 0 | Compute time-averaged time-step surface rainfall, cloud water/ice from cu_physics = 3, 5, and 93 (for WRF chemistry use) |
shcu_physics (max_dom) | independent shallow cumulus option (not tied to deep convection) |
0 | no independent shallow cumulus (not tied to deep convection) |
2 | Park and Bretherton shallow cumulus from CAM5 | |
3 | GRIMS scheme | |
(new since V4.1) | 5 | Deng shallow cumulus. Only works with MYNN and MYJ PBL schemes. |
Note: The following 5 options show recommended #’s. If you would like to use any other number, consult the code to understand what you are doing. |
maxiens | 1 | Grell-Devenyi, G3 and GF only |
maxens | 3 | Grell-Devenyi, G3 and GF only |
maxens2 | 3 | Grell-Devenyi, G3 and GF only |
maxens3 | 16 | Grell-Devenyi, G3 and GF only |
ensdim | 144 | Grell-Devenyi, G3 and GF only |
cugd_avedx | 1 | (default) number of grid boxes over which subsidence is spread, for large grid distances |
3 | for small grid distances (DX < 5 km), G3 only | |
nsas_dx_factor | 1 | nsas grid distance dependent option |
For the KF-CuP Scheme: |
shallowcu_forced_ra (max_dom) | .true. | radiative impact of shallow Cu by a prescribed maximum cloud fraction of 0.36. Use with cu_physics=10 only |
numbins (max_dom) | 1 | number of perturbations for potential temperature and mixing ratio in the CuP PDF. Use with cu_physics=10 only ; should be an odd number - recommended value is 21 |
thBinSize (max_dom) | 1 | bin size of potential temperature perturbation increment: 0.01 K. Use with cu_physics=10 only |
rBinSize (max_dom) | 1 | bin size of mixing ratio perturbation increment: 1.0e-4 kg/kg. Use with cu_physics=10 only |
minDeepFreq (max_dom) | 1 | minimum frequency required before deep convection is allowed: 0.333 (cu_physics = 10 only; default is 1) |
minShallowFreq (max_dom) | 1 | minimum frequency required before shallow convection is allowed: 1.0e-2. Use with cu_physics=10 only |
shcu_aerosols_opt (max_dom) | 2 | Prognostic option to include aerosols in shcu. Use with cu_physics=10 only; must be run with WRF-Chem |
aercu_opt | Option to control aerosol interaction in MSKF and Morrison microphysics. Use with mp_physics=40 only |
0 | (default) no aerosol interaction | |
1 | Aerosol interaction with only MSKF | |
2 | Aerosol interaction with both MSKF and morrison | |
aercu_fct | 1 | factor to multiply with aerosol amount. Use with mp_physics=40 only |
no_src_types_cu | 1 | number of aerosol species in global aerosol data: 10 for CESM input, set automatically. Use with mp_physics=40 only |
alevsiz_cu | 1 | number of levels in global aerosol data: 30 for CESM input, set automatically. Use with mp_physics=40 only |
kf_edrates (max_dom) | 1 | option to output entrainment/detrainment rates and convective timescale output variables for KF-based cumulus schemes (cu_physics=1, 11, and 99 only) |
convtrans_avglen_m | 30 | averaging time for convective transport output variables (in minutes; only use with cu_physics=3,5 and 93) |
cu_rad_feedback (max dom) | .true. | sub-grid cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation; works only for GF, G3, GD, and KF schemes; must set cu_diag=1 for GF, G3, and GD schemes |
bmj_cu_feedback (max_dom) | .true. | Turn on precipitation-derived sub-grid cloud effect for radiation |
dust_emis | 1 | Turns on sfc dust emission scheme to enter mp_physics=28 QNIFA (ice-friendly aerosol variable) |
erosion_dim | 3 | In conjunction with dust_emis=1; this value can only be set equal to 3 (erodibility information) |
isfflx | heat and moisture fluxes from the surface for real-data cases when a PBL is used; only works with sf_sfclay_physics=1, 5, 7, or 11 1 = fluxes are on 0 = fluxes are off It also controls surface fluxes when diff_opt=2 and km_opt=3, and a PBL isn’t used 0 = constant fluxes defined by tke_drag_coefficient and tke_heat_flux 1 = use model-computed u and heat and moisture fluxes 2 = use model-computed u and specified heat flux by tke_heat_flux |
ideal_xland | sets XLAND for ideal cases with no input land-use run-time switch for wrf.exe physics_init |
1 | land | |
2 | water | |
ifsnow | 1 | Turns on snow-cover effects (only works for sf_surface_physics=1) |
icloud | cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation (only works with ra_sw_physics=1,4 and ra_lw_physics=1,4); this also controls the cloud fraction options |
1 | (default) with cloud effect; must use cloud fraction option 1 (Xu-Randall mehod) |
0 | without cloud effect | |
2 | with cloud effect; must use cloud fraction option 2, 0/1 based on threshold |
3 | with cloud effect; must use cloud fraction option 3, a Sundqvist method (Sundqvist et al. 1989) |
insert_init_cloud | .false. | Option to estimate initial model cloud using option icloud=3, cold start only. |
swrad_scat | 1 | scattering tuning parameter; default 1 is 1.e-5 m-2 kg-1 (only for ra_sw_physics=1). Increase for more scattering. |
surface_input_source | where landuse and soil category data come from | |
1 | WPS/geogrid, but with dominant categories recomputed in real |
2 | GRIB data from another model (only if arrays VEGCAT/SOILCAT exist) |
3 | (default) use dominant land and soil categories from WPS/geogrid |
pxlsm_smois_init (max_dom) | Pleim-Xu land-surface model soil moisture initialization option |
0 | from analysis | |
1 | (default) from LANDUSE.TBL (SLMO, or moisture availability) |
num_land_cat | number of land categories in input data | |
24 | (default) for USGS | |
20 | for MODIS | |
28 | for USGS if including lake category | |
21 | (default) for MODIS if including lake category | |
40 | NLCD2006 (North America only) | |
num_soil_cat | 16 | number of soil categories in input data |
usemonalb | .true. | use monthly albedo map instead of table values (recommended for sst_update=1) |
.false. | (default) use table values | |
rdmaxalb | .true. | (default) use snow albedo from geogrid |
.false. | use snow albedo from table | |
rdlai2d | .true. | use LAI (Leaf Area Index) from input data. If sst_update=1, LAI will also appear in wrflowinp file |
.false. | (default) use LAI from table | |
seaice_threshold | 100. | If skin temp (TSK) is less than this value, water points are changed to sea ice. If water point + 5-layer slab scheme, sets to land point and permanent ice; if water point + Noah scheme, sets to land point, permanent ice, sets temps from 2 m to surface, and sets smois and sh2o. The default value was changed to 100. From 271. in 3.5.1 to avoid mixed-up use with fractional seaice input. Only use with sf_surface_physics = 1,2,3,4,8 |
sst_update | 1 | Turns on option to use time-varying SST, seaice, vegetation fraction, and albedo during a model simulation (set before running real.exe). real.exe will create wrflowinp file(s) at the same time interval as the available input data. These files contain SST, XICE, ALBEDO, and VEGFRA. Also set auxinput4_inname = “wrflowinp_d |
tmn_update | 1 | update deep layer soil temperature, useful for long simulations (multi-year runs; default is 0 = off) |
lagday | 150 | days over which tnm (deep layer soil temp) is computed using skin temperature |
sst_skin | 1 | calculate skin SST, useful for long simulations (multi-year runs) |
bucket_mm | bucket reset values for water accumulation (unit in mm), useful for long simulations (multi-year runs); default (-1) means inactive. |
bucket_j | bucket reset value for energy accumulations (unit in Joules); useful for long simulations (multi-year runs); default (-1) means inactive. |
slope_rad (max_dom) | 1 | Turns on slope-dependent radiation; for ra_sw_physics |
topo_shading (max_dom) | 1 | applies neighboring-point shadow effects for ra_sw_physics |
shadlen | 25000 | maximum length of orographic shadow (in meters); use only with topo_shading=1 |
sf_ocean_physics |
activate ocean model | |
0 | off | |
1 | activate a simple ocean mixed layer (oml) model | |
2 | activate a 3D Price-Weller-Pinkel (PWP) ocean model | |
omdt | 1. | 3D PWP time step (minutes). It can be set the same as the WRF time step in corresponding nested grids, but omdt should be no less than 1.0 minute. |
oml_hml0 (for sf_ocean_physics=1) |
= 0 | initial ocean mixed layer depth from climatology |
> 0 | initial ocean mixed layer depth value (m); constant everywhere (50 is default) |
< 0 | use input from ocean model | |
oml_gamma |
0.14 | (K m-1) lapse rate in deep water (below the mixed layer) for oml; use with sf_ocean_physics=1 only |
oml_relaxation_time | 0. | relaxation time (seconds) of mixed layer ocean model back to original values (e.g. value: 259200 sec - 3 days) |
ocean_levels |
30 | number of vertical levels in 3D ocean model; use with sf_ocean_physics=2 only |
isftcflx | alternative Ck (exchange coefficient for temp and moisture), Cd (drag coefficient for momentum) formulation for tropical storm application |
0 | (default) off for Ck | |
1 | Donelan Cd + constant Z0q for Ck | |
2 | Donelan Cd + Garratt Ck | |
fractional_seaice | 1 | treats seaice as a fractional field; works only with sf_sfclay_physics = 1,2,3,4,5,7 or 91 Must also set seaice_threshold=0. |
0 | (default) either ice or no ice flag | |
seaice_albedo_opt | option to set albedo over sea ice | |
0 | seaice albedo is a constant value from namelist option seaice_albedo_default | |
1 | seaice albedo is a function of air temp, skin temp, and snow |
2 | seaice albedo read in from input variable ALBSI | |
seaice_albedo_default | 0.65 |
default value of seaice albedo for seaice_albedo_opt=0 |